Jun 21, 2019
Summer 17 Mermaid Officially Released!
Happy Summer Everyone :)!! SUMMER 17 MERMAID IS NOW AVAILABLE! The short story is available on Amazon and other distributors. Check out...

Jun 1, 2019
Summer 17 Mermaid is Now Available for Pre-Order + Cover Reveal!
A warm, tropical breeze over paradise... don't you want take a trip to the Florida Keys? For Amazon Pre-Order, click here For other...

May 27, 2019
Summer 17 Mermaid Updates
A summer adventure filled with romance and a stranded merman. What could go wrong? First, Happy Memorial Day! I hope you have time to...

Oct 3, 2017
Something Witchy This Way Comes E-Zine featuring my story "The Apothecary Shoppe"
Hello Readers! I'm excited to announce one of my horror stories has been featured in C.K. Brooke's second Elphame Realms E-zine! Click...

Apr 27, 2017
"Tamed" Short Story ft. In Elphame Realms E-Zine
Hello Everyone! I'm excited to announce my short story "Tamed" will be featured in an issue of Elphame Realms E-Zine! Get your...